ArXiv Preprints
Mohammadi H., Greco F., Codony D., Arias I. (2025)
In this paper we study the surface effects that bulk flexoelectric models in finite samples exhibit. We first show that when the body is infinite, flexoelectric materials do not exhibit electromechanical response under homogeneous loading. However, when the size of the body is finite, due to the symmetry-breaking nature of surfaces ...
Computational Mechanics
Pérez-Escudero S., Codony D., Arias I., Fernández-Méndez S. (2024)
The drift-diffusion formulation, modeling semiconductor materials in terms of carrier densities and electric potential, is considered together with an alternative formulation in terms of dimensionless logarithmic quantities. Stability of both formulations in presence of sharp variations with a Galerkin Finite Element discretisation is ...
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering
Barceló-Mercader J., Codony D., Mocci A., Arias I. (2024)
We present a formulation for high-order generalized periodicity conditions in the context of a high-order electromechanical theory including flexoelectricity, strain gradient elasticity and gradient dielectricity, with the goal of studying periodic architected metamaterials. Such theory ...
Journal of Mechanics and Physics of Solids
Greco F., Codony D., Mohammadi H., Fernández-Méndez S., Arias I. (2024)
We develop a theoretical and computational framework to perform topology optimization of the representative volume element of such metamaterials by accurately modeling the governing equations of flexoelectricity using a Cartesian B-spline method, describing ...
Codony D., Arias I., Suryanarayana P. (2023)
In a recent letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 216801 (2021)], the authors introduced the effective flexoelectric coefficient µ2D for quantifying the flexoelectric effect in 2D materials systems, and reported a disagreement with the flexoelectric coefficient µT introduced in ...
ECCOMAS Newsletter 2023
Codony D., Suryanarayana P., Arias I. (2023)
We review the authors' recent works on flexoelectricity at the nanoscale, while emphasizing the role of continuum mechanics in interpreting the electromechanical response of quantum mechanical systems under bending.
Journal of Scientific Computing
Balcells-Quintana O., Codony D., Fernández-Méndez S. (2022)
We propose a methodology to solve high-order PDE boundary value problems with generalised periodicity, in the framework of the C0 interior penalty method. The method is developed for the analysis of flexoelectricity-based metamaterial unit cells, formalising ...
Journal of Applied Physics
Codony D., Mocci A., Barceló-Mercader J., Arias I. (2021)
We first revisit the mathematical modeling of the flexoelectric effect in the context of continuum mechanics at infinitesimal deformations. We establish and clarify the relation between the different formulations, point out theoretical and numerical issues ...
International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering
Barceló-Mercader J., Codony D., Fernández-Méndez S., Arias I. (2021)
We present a formulation for the weak enforcement of continuity conditions at material interfaces in high-order problems by means of Nitsche's method, which is particularly suited for unfitted discretizations. This formulation is extended to impose ...
Journal of the Mechanics of Physics and Solids
Mocci A., Barceló-Mercader J., Codony D., Arias I. (2021)
Through the suitable geometry of a repeating unit, a metamaterial can exhibit a property not present in the base material. Here, we propose a class of low area-fraction, bending-dominated metamaterials that exhibit apparent piezoelectricity, even ...
Ventura A., Codony D., Fernández-Méndez S. (2021)
We propose a C0 interior penalty method (C0-IPM) for the computational modelling of flexoelectricity, with application also to strain gradient elasticity, as a simplified case. Standard high-order C0 finite element approximations, with nodal basis, ...
Physical Review Materials
Codony D., Arias I., Suryanarayana P. (2021)
We present a formulation for calculating the transversal flexoelectric coefficient of nanostructures at finite deformations from first principles. Specifically, we introduce the concept of radial polarization to make the coefficient a well-defined quantity for uniform bending deformations. We ...
Kumar S., Codony D., Arias I., Suryanarayana P. (2021)
We study the flexoelectric effect in fifty-four select atomic monolayers using ab initio Density Functional Theory (DFT). Specifically, considering representative materials from each of the Group III monochalcogenides, transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs), Groups IV, III–V, and V ...
Codony D., Gupta P., Marco O., Arias I. (2021)
This paper develops the equilibrium equations describing the flexoelectric effect in soft dielectrics under large deformations. Previous works have developed related theories using a flexoelectric coupling tensor of mixed material–spatial character. Here, we formulate the model in terms of a ...
Fojo D., Codony D., Fernández Méndez S. (2020)
A method to solve 4th-order PDEs using the Finite Element Method (FEM) with standard Cº elements is derived and studied. It is based on a special weak form accounting for the discontinuous derivatives of the approximation and imposing their normal continuity across element sides in weak form. ...
Codony D., Marco O., Arias I., Fernández Méndez S. (2019)
This paper develops a computational framework with unfitted meshes to solve linear piezoelectricity and flexoelectricity electromechanical boundary value problems including strain gradient elasticity at infinitesimal strains. The high-order nature of the coupled PDE system is addressed by a sufficiently ...
Computer Applications in Engineering Education
Chacón R., Codony D., Toledo Á. (2017)
In this paper, a set of digital artifacts related to simple examples of structural engineering are presented. The artifacts are real-time applications and visualizations of typical problems students from the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) schools are acquainted with. The ...
Doctoral thesis - Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Codony D. (2021)
This PhD thesis focuses on the development of mathematical and computational models for flexoelectricity, a relatively new electromechanical coupling that is present in any dielectric at the micron and sub-micron scales. The work is framed in the context of both continuum and quantum...